Thursday, August 27, 2009

Burglars, Kisses, and Mom

I seem to have a lot of drama during the middle of the night. Last night was definitely no different......
My mom had her knee replaced yesterday so naturally she was on my mind more than normal. Her knee has given her problems since the day I watched her twist it, stepping in a hole in a parking lot outside her beauty shop in WPB. I couldn't have been more than 7 years old when it happened but I remember it like it was yesterday. People who know me really well know how sensitive I am and how I remember details that others may not, especially if it touches me. I've always been this way...obviously, if I remember this from 30 years ago.
Anyway, I couldn't fall asleep because I was hoping she would rest well thru the night. I know how important it is for this replacement to work out. My mom can be so much fun but because of the pain she's been experiencing, she has slowly stopped doing things that she enjoys.
I don't know what time I eventually fell asleep but at some point during the early morning hours I was awakened by what sounded like the closing of the storm door between my garage and kitchen. If you can imagine, I suddenly started to panic. I stayed very still, waiting to hear something else but didn't. I began to wonder if maybe I had been dreaming and dreamed a noise. Who dreams a noise? I dream pictures, but noises? Now I really started to panic.
If you've read my notes before you know I sleep as nature intended. Again, another dilema of, "do I get dressed and go see what this is?". I sat up in bed, very quiet and as still as I could. I didn't hear any more noises but what I heard seemed so real. I decided to get dressed and see what the noise was.
I slowly get off my bed and walk to my dresser. Quietly, I pull a t-shirt and pair of shorts out and get dressed. I begin to wonder if I'm leaving the safety of my bedroom just to boldly walk around my house and demand a burglar to leave. Oh H-E-L-L-O-No! I remember I have a steel pipe leaning in the corner of the wall between my bathroom and den.
Who in the world has steel pipes lying around their home? Yeah, it sounds funny but when I moved in two years ago it was used as the bar to hang clothes on in the den closet. I turned my closet into a library and removed the no longer needed bar. Boy, was I thankful it was in that corner. Only problem squeaky floors.
If you've been in my home, you know the floors make more noise than I do. How in the world was I going to be all "ninja like" getting this steel pipe from around the corner? I pressed my back up against my bedroom door, peaked around the corner to look into the living room. It's pitch black in my house! How am I going to see somebody in the dark who is most likely TRYING not to be seen?! I nearly do a forward moonwalk to the hall where I press my back against the wall and grab the pipe. I stand there, again waiting for any other noise. I hear nothing.
Now I have to walk thru the den to get to the kitchen where the perpetrator would have had to enter my home. I freeze in fear. I'd be a sitting duck walking thru the den. Not to mention all the squeaks I would produce by the time I got to the kitchen. I say to myself...inside my have a steel pipe in your not be afraid. I then say to myself....What in the hell am I going to do with this steel pipe if I happen to meet up with this burglar, face to face?
I take a deep breath and run thru the den and stop at the doorway. I say run but in reality it took about 3 large steps to get there. My den is very small.... I then wait to hear any noise. I hear nothing.
I decide that the only way I will know if somebody opened that door was to go to the door from my garage and turn the garage light on. I am gripping this steel pipe with all the strength I have. I tip toe to the door and freeze. I am about to turn the light on and look thru the curtain to see if anyone is in my garage. What will I do if I see someone? What will they do? Is my steel pipe enough or will I drop it and run out the front door? I start to think how smart I was to put clothes on!
Moment of truth...I turn the light on and look out. I see nothing.
Ugh. Thank God! Now I must fall asleep.
I go back to bed, lay the steel pipe beside me....just in case.

After all that drama I am still awake. It must be 3 am and I'm thinking about mom, hoping she is resting. I think about all she has been thru in her life and how much I love her. I think about when I was growing up I said I wouldn't be like her....thank God I am. She is so strong and caring. There is nothing wrong with being that way. She is so well liked. The 24 visitors she had in her hospital room today can attest to that. She is always there when someone is in need. She'd give you the shirt of her back. She might remind you of it later but you still got it! (I love you AC-Frobot!)
I drifted off to sleep.....

At some point after that I started having a very nice dream. I was kissing someone I loved and it seemed so real. Yes, at this point I realize you might be inserting..."the perpetrator slipped into bed with you!". It wasn't that at all. I knew who I was kissing. It was all too familiar, yet very much missed. I could see his dark eyes and feel my hands around his face. The dream started to go in a direction I didn't want and thankfully I woke up. But I had that feeling of having just kissed him when I got up and it started my day off alright.

I really don't know where I was going with this. Thank goodness I wasn't on the early morning news because of a home invasion. Turns out my mom didn't rest very well but there is hope for tonight. And I will go another day without really kissing that man I will always have love for.
Peace my peeps!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Tempted, but no

So I'm driving home from work late yesterday down because it's so nice out. I hear this bassy thump coming from behind but don't really think much of it. It's very annoying but common. Anyway, this dude rolls up beside me at the traffic light in this old Buick, fabric falling from the roof of the car, dents all over it, and one tire is actually the spare donut. He is layed way back in his seat, one hand draped over the steering wheel at the wrist, and his head nodding with the bass bump. I'm thinking to myself, "this cat has some serious confidence to be rolling in this and still acting out his pimp persona". I'm laughing my arse off on the inside but still amazed by his displayed confidence, wishing I had half as much.

Then it happens... He looks over at me, winks, smiles with his gold tooth, and mouths ('cause I can't hear due to the rattling of aluminum cans in the back {refer to Outkast song}), "Hey baby...can I have your number?"

Tempted, but no.